2016 m. rugsėjo 1 d., ketvirtadienis

A piece of my soul stays there

When we've decided to have a rejuvenating day swimming in a pool and relaxing in sauna we ended up doing all this in... a church. Virgin Active health club located in Repton Park one hour drive away from London is actually based in the old church and the pool inside completely blew my mind away. Absolute peace and relaxation for your body and soul. & all those continues echoes of every single water drop is better that any meditation music.

Truly magic place and worth visiting!

2016 m. gegužės 31 d., antradienis

The sun behind the clouds

Chilly wind and a grey sky are not the best conditions for a perfect outdoor photo shoot.
Especially here in London you can experience all 4 seasons during one day.
Expect the best but be ready for the worst - as they say.
But sometimes it seems that a great photographer with some magic skills can create an absolute masterpiece out of nowhere.

Super inspiring and charming photographer from LA Saint Peter John managed to brighten up a very typical day in London. Check more of his street fashion photography here http://www.thefashionfuneral.com/

& have a look at those few sun rays from the afternoon in The City

2016 m. kovo 10 d., ketvirtadienis

London. My wild and urban jungle

A very sudden.
Not highly expected.
And not very well planned.
But definitely a big one -
My move to London.

They say the bigger the city is - the smaller and less important you feel.
Yes, it definitely feels like you are a tiny little bird in this massive urban jungle.
Massive and very wild I must add.

Londoners are persistent fighters, challenge seekers and devoted "solders".
And it was my very first impression which actually hasn't really changed since.
Sometimes it even seems that people here are so much oriented into creating a better tomorrow that they do not realize how actually good today is.

Spanish mindset is the opposite one - people are more concentrated into enjoying today so there is actually no time left to worry about tomorrow.
This is why I sometimes miss that Spanish fling...

Because today is all what we have. 
