2015 m. birželio 20 d., šeštadienis

My little heaven

The summer in Lithuania is always a perfect time to be.
The nature is amazing and gives you bunch of adventures.
One of it is incredibly beautiful cost by the Baltic sea named Curonian Spit. It is a magic place which really has something mysterious - some kind of magic calmness and total peace. It is so relaxing to be in a quite and almost lonely beaches and to enjoy the silence and morning birds songs in clean and fresh forest.

This place is definitely a peace of heaven on earth.

I wish to each of you to have your own little heaven which cuddles your heart.

2015 m. birželio 3 d., trečiadienis

New York. The city of dreams

They say: "New York is not a city. It is a world."

The world  with the energy which inspires you every day. 
It inspires you each time you are walking along the endless avenues. 
Each time you lift your head and see the limitless sky. 
Which somehow reflects the limitless of this City.
New York inspires you to dream big.

The place to come back. And to taste the life of being a newyorker

      Some pictures from my visit in New York in early Spring.